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Pakistani Legends »» Anila Weldon

Anila Weldon
Anila Weldon

Anila Weldon is the Chief Executive of Weldon B.B.S. She is also one of the most sought-after speakers on IT, Marketing and Communications related topics.Miss Weldon, also writes on Information Technology issues for DAWN MAGAZINE, DAWN FOLIO (A fortnightly newsletter on IT, Marketing, Management and

Anila Weldon is the Chief Executive of Weldon B.B.S. She is also one of the most sought-after speakers on IT, Marketing and Communications related topics.Miss Weldon, also writes on Information Technology issues for DAWN MAGAZINE, DAWN FOLIO (A fortnightly newsletter on IT, Marketing, Management and Advertising) And many more.She has been a visiting faculty member at various institutions. Anila has also formed a support group known as WeldonMoms for mothers, new mothers and mothers to be. Anila is also a drummer and plays drum for an underground band in her free time.   

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